Camlik Locomotive Museum

ephesus sightseeing tour camlik locomotive museum

Ephesus sightseeing tour – Camlik Locomotive Museum

Ephesus sightseeing tour – Camlik outdoor museum was inaugurated in 1991 just as steam was phased out from Turkey. It has one of the largest steam engines collection in Europe, most them joining the museum shortly after being retired from service. The museum is perfectly located, a few minutes away from Turkey most famous historical site: Ephesus. It sits on the premises of the former Camlik station, now disused because of a realignment of the Izmir Aydın main line. All the original buildings have been retained, including the small three tracks engine shed that housed the banking engines in the era of steam.

The museum is under new management since 1999 and has been very much improved since. All the engines have been repainted and the junkyard that was formerly in front of the station building has been cleared. The gardening is very nice and the museum has been enclosed using old railway ties. In 2001, the engine shed has been cleaned up and all the tools are now neatly presented. The collection has been enlarged on several occasion in a wise attempt by TCDD (Turkish Republic State Railways) to gather in Camlik rolling stock that was previously scattered around the country.

Ephesus sightseeing tour – TCDD steam motive power

Camlik museum offers a very good collection of the main TCDD steam motive power. The selection includes almost all of the steam engine types used by TCDD since World War II; but, unfortunately, there are no diesel or electric engines. The engines are on static display in fair outside condition, but lacking some internal parts. A few of them use to be in working condition when they joined the museum. Now the weather is taking its toll and despite the efforts of the keepers, the engines are slowly rusting away.

A nice feature: children and grownups can climb on all the engines and get a feeling from the cab or the running boards. Climbing is done using the engine ladders, so flex your muscles and beware not to fall! “Ephesus sightseeing tour”

The museum has also many railway items ranging from the engine shed, the turntable to cranes; fountain and tools and lamps. A room next to the shed displays a large collection of Mustafa Atatürk’s photographs; some of them reminding us that Ataturk was a great railway traveler.

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