When was Ephesus settled

when ephesus settled day tour ephesus

Day tour Ephesus – The Founding of the City in Mythology

Day tour Ephesus – According to Greek mythology, the ancient city of Ephesus was established by Greeks in 11 Century B.C. by Androclos, the son of legendary King of Athens. He asked the oracles in Delphi where and how he could find a new settlement for Greeks. The answer of oracles was very interesting and simple.

According to oracles a wild boar and a fish would lead them to the site of the new settlement. One day, Androklos and his friends were cooking fish on an open fire; when a fish flew from the pan into the nearby bushes. Sparks from the fire also ignited the bushes and as they flared up; a wild boar ran out of the bushes to escape from the flames. Androklos pursued and killed the boar. Then he recalled the words of the oracles and built his city on this site.

Day tour Ephesus – The Settlements of Ephesus

Day tour Ephesus – Ephesus has been located at different places in different times. The first settlement of the city was located on Ayasuluk Hill and inhabited by ancient Anatolians ( Amazons, Hittites ), Carians and Lelegians. The second settlement of Ephesus was on the North of Mount Panayır ( Mount Pion ). As with other cities of the Aegean cost of Anatolia, Ephesus came to be ruled by Croesus of Lydia and Persians. The third settlement was located in the valley between Mount Panayır and Mount Bulbul ( Mount Coressus ); found by Lysimachus, one of the generals of Alexander The Great. This settlement of Ephesus is the biggest and can be visited today. Finally, due to the persistent silting up of the harbour and repeated raids by Arabs, the city changed its location back to Ayasuluk Hill forming Fourth Ephesus.

Day tour Ephesus – History of Ephesus

Day tour Ephesus – According to excevations, the history of Ephesus dates back to 6000 BC, to Chalcolithic Period. Excavations at the Ayasuluk Hill brought to light a settlement; thus ancient Ephesus was first on the located on Ayasuluk Hill. It was first settled by Anatolian Tribes; for Ephesus is mentioned in Hittite cuneiform tablets under the name of Apassas that means “Honey Bee”.

Day tour Ephesus – According to the ancient geographers Strabo and Pausanias, and the historian Herodotus claim that Ephesus was found by Amazons and the native tribes of the area were the Carians and the Lelegians around 3000 BC. Amazons gave the city’s name as Ephesos, can be named one of Queens or generals of Amazons. According to them Hittites came here around 1400 BC and changed the name of the city from Ephesos to Apassas. Ionian colonists came here around 1100 BC.

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Day tour Ephesus
day-tour-ephesus Day tour Ephesus - The Founding of the City in Mythology Day tour Ephesus - According to Greek mythology, the ancient city of Ephesus was established by Greeks in 11 Century B.C. by Androclos, the son of legendary King of Athens. He asked the oracles...


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